Dave Kenyon

Dave Kenyon

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How About An Insight-Driven Plan for 2011?

"The best vision is insight." ~Malcolm Forbes

Today let's look at just how you and I can upgrade our life-experience through the use of an insight-driven life-planning.

As Mr. Forbes observes; vision stems from our relationship with insight.

Or is what we're discussing here much more; as Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. reflects, "A moment's insight is sometimes worth a life's experience."

"When you live your life with an appreciation of coincidences and their meanings, you connect with the underlying field of infinite possibilities."
~Deepak Chopra

The way you view the value of insights gained through life experience will certainly reflect upon the way you use this tool as a planning instrument. However, let's refocus upon our model and how it's best expanded to serve as a compatible model for investigation of life experience for personal and spiritual growth:
  • The only thing we control is how we relate to a specific thing or action.
  • Thoughts and feelings are connected and function as attitudes.
  • Humans may exercise control over thoughts and emotions through the process of substitution only; the universe does not allow a vacuum to exist.
  • Vibrational alignment and resonance with what you seek is the manner through which we manifest.
  • An attitude of positive expectation fuels our attraction to what we seek.
  • With gratitude for what you now experience; we expand our portfolio of life experiences.
  • Insight's are those experiences, that for you, foster meaning through moments of living.

Now let us consider a process to follow for planning into 2011; following these intentions will serve to foster insights the tend to incite action:

  • "I am open to the guidance of synchronicity, and do not let expectations hinder my path."~Dalai Lama ; open to and trust in your divine inner guidance to bring your dreams into synchronous-harmony with the powerful field of intentions.
  • "It is only with heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery ; feel your way forward with your heart-center filtering your experience and experience a greater feeling of harmony then ever before.

  • "A great thought begins by seeing something differently, with a shift of the mind’s eye." ~Albert Einstein; trust your inner-guidance to help you discover the lighted pathway upon which powerful insights await you. 
    • "For the spiritual being, intuition is far more than a hunch. It is viewed as guidance or as God talking, and this inner insight is never taken lightly or ignored." ~Wayne Dyer;your alignment with source energy empowers you to release the old fear-based thoughts and replace each with a thought that enhances your happiness realization.
    • " I think we each have a personal sweet spot as well.  It's the state of mind in which we experience the most joy and satisfaction in being ourselves.  And from that place of pleasure and joy in being ourselves, energy arises to flow out into our day bringing with it the depth and resonance of our own beingness, bringing with it blessing."~David Spangler ; seek to align with greater joy in your life. 
    • "Before you leave this planet, change just one person's mind...Guess whose?" ~elves alien ; the best vantage-point from which to observe is through the 'eyes of a child'. Embrace that innocence as you investigate for empowering insights.
    • "The greatest discoveries are those that shed light unto ourselves." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson ; open to embracing the natural you. Your beautiful energy is needed to help complete our mosaic of harmony, health and vitality for mother Earth and all 'our relations'. 

     We all reside in a vibrational net where harmonic resonance attracts and repels our energy-field according to our consciousness. 

    Please enjoy Greg Braden's video below; 

    2012 - living in an extraordinary time

    What insights did you experience as a result of viewing Greg's video? What would it take to add these insights to your planning for 2011?

    If you will now focus your attention to this video by Wayne Dyer, The Power of Intention; when insights are paired with intention to form your life-planning for 2011, you have a powerful pairing to enhance your life experience.

    What, if any, insights on planning with the power of intention did you gain from Wayne's video? 
    How might you employ these insights turned into intentions to enhance your life-planning for 2011?

    Here's wishing you a prosperous 2011; filled with powerful insights you may transform into intentions that connect you to even greater happiness!

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